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Mediation is a proceeding of conflict settlement which can be applied in many areas of life. Mediation goes back to a Latin as well as to a Greek source. It means “intermediary”, “neutral”, “oriented to none of the parties”. The process of mediation aims at conciliating in conflicts or disputes with the help of an impartial third person, the mediator.


Mediators support the conflict parties in searching their own solutions which take the interests of all persons involved into account, so that they are fair. Mediation is a good option when conflict parties are stuck in their situations and do not see any possibilities to develop a mutual solution by themselves.


Mediation is multipartial: Mediators support all parties and provide for a setting in which the conflict parties are able to present their view on the problem in an appropriate way. It is the aim of the mediation to achieve an agreement which enables all parties to look into the future constructively.


Mediation is an extrajudicial proceeding of conflict resolution. It therefore saves time and money.


In which Fields do we offer Mediation?

We are generally working in all fields of mediation, for example:


  • Mediations between colleagues: conflicts that arise from working together

  • Mediations with or between managers

  • Mediations between business partners, e.g. about splitting shares/business interests etc.

  • Mediations with teams: conflicts that affect the cooperation of a team

  • Family mediations: conflicts that occur within families, between parents and children, between heirs or between relatives.

  • Segregation mediations: Conflicts that arise when a couple splits up, for example about where the children should live, division of common possessions, etc.

  • Mediations with groups: Disagreements that affect a living community, a club, a managing board or a construction community

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Mediation ist ein Verfahren der Konfliktlösung, das in vielen Lebensbereichen eingesetzt werden kann. Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet Mediation „Vermittlung“. Gemeint ist damit die Vermittlung bei Konflikten oder Streitfällen durch unparteiische Dritte, durch den oder die Mediator:in.




Coaching für Verbesserung der Verkaufsqualitäten, Kommunikation, besonders auch für die Arbeit mit Kundenkontakt, Call-Center, Telefonakquise Coachings können in Einzelsitzungen angeboten werden, was sich besonders für private Bereiche anbietet.




Das Konzept des Coachings, im Sinne der effektiven Nutzung der Ressourcen, der Sichtbarmachung der eigenen Kompetenzen oder ggf. auch Grenzen und eine klare Zielsetzung brachte zufriedene Patienten und Klienten, welche ihre Tätigkeitsbereiche in allen möglichen Branchen hatten.
